mixsoon Spot Clean Care Patch 10mm*4ea(15*4)+12mm*2ea(12*2)


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Premium Skincare Brand For Glass Skin “Mixsoon” from Korea

mixsoon encourages the 3-layering skincare routine using pure, organic essences tailored to your skin’s daily needs.
Our commitment lies in the essence of nature, carefully employing biological processes to extract only the essential active ingredients your skin truly craves and deserves.
Listen to your skin and hear what it needs. Give it love by layering our natural, powerful essences, and experience your skin bloom its natural radiance. Experience the joy of healthier, younger-looking skin every day.
Start your mixsoon journey today!
  • Invisible acne care patches that helps conceal the appearance of blemishes and helps acne wound to heal faster.
  • Thin patches that is not noticeable on skin, and comes in two sizes to suit your needs.
  • Prevents water and bacteria from infecting the acne wound or further irritating it.

How to use

mixsoon Spot Clean Care Patch adheres naturally, just like your own skin. You can protect your skin hygienically throughout the day. Make sure to apply it to dry skin immediately after cleansing.

For Daily Use

Start With Clean Skin.

Begin with clean, dry skin. Gently cleanse the area around the acne blemish you intend to treat.

Choose The Right Size.

Select an acne patch that matches the size of your blemish or slightly larger.

Apply To The Blemish.

Center the patch over the acne blemish and gently press it onto the skin. Make sure the patch adheres well to the surrounding area.